Setting Boundaries

Sometimes we find ourselves in the difficult position of having to put distance between ourselves and others. What that looks like may be different for everyone. For me, it was cutting off phone communication from someone who exhibited extreme toxic behavior.  I found this person disrespecting my time and expelling negative energy with every breath.  It was time for action on my part.  My time on this planet is ever so important and I take careful effort to curate my space for constant growth. To have this negatively impacted by others required a change in access to my self and space. 

Now this doesn’t mean that I love them any less, just that I love myself more. I honor me by drawing a clear line in the sand what I deem necessary in order for me to thrive. Love, respect, kindness, honesty, and authenticity is vital to my existence.  Anything opposite of these characteristics must not be allowed to dwell in my sacred space. 

Even though these decisions seem harsh, especially when dealing with someone you love very dearly, we have to remind ourselves that we’re no good to ANYONE if toxicity seeps into our ether and into our space. 

Setting boundaries is necessary self-care in order to maintain who we are or fully become who we aim to be.  It’s a part of loving our whole selves.  Not everyone is meant to accompany you on your journey. Not everyone will understand or even respect the path that you’re on.  Remember that It is not your burden to help them understand but it is your responsibility to be the vanguard of your journey. 

Someone once said that “you can’t make someone respect you but you can refuse to be disrespected.” Set those boundaries and make them clear. Then exhale. You’ll be all the better for it. 




The Dark Place