Making Space for Self

The job. The kids. The partner. The family. The friends. The coworkers. The classmates. We manage to make space in our lives for them all. But what about our Self? Do we make space for our Selves daily or rarely? 

The fact that our bodies and minds tend to all the aforementioned (and in some cases, even more) day in and day out says something about our physical and mental agility.  It says we should always take time to honor and make space for it…it being our whole Self.  

But how can we make space for our Selves daily? Finding the time can seem like a challenge. Not everyone can take the time out for a long bubble bath, background jazz music and scented candles.  However, making space for Self doesn’t have to be as event or time driven as we may think.  In fact, making space for our Self can be as simple as honoring who we are in the moment.

And one way to honor a moment in time is by listening to our breathing. Just listen.   Yes, that physiological process that we may take for granted.  The proof of life. Whether we’re in the car, between meetings or making meals, listening to the breathe can make a world of difference. 

Listen to the breath. Ahhh. This breathing. That’s me! That’s life! I’m alive. My body. Breathing. On its own. In this moment I am aware. Of self. I’m grateful for me. My breathing. My mind. My body. Connecting with the source of this breath. I honor this breath. This body. This mind. In this moment I make space for self. I honor me. And I am grateful. 

What are some other ways you make space for Self?


The Dark Place


Discovering Self-Love