15 Ways You Can Protect Black Women

For anyone wondering how they can protect Black women, know that there are a myriad of ways to do so. Here’s a short list of ways that you, too, can help:

  1. Support and amplify the voices of Black women when they speak out on issues that affect them.

  2. Educate yourself on the history of Black women and the unique struggles they have faced throughout time.

  3. Support Black-owned businesses that are owned and operated by Black women.

  4. Vote for candidates and policies that prioritize the rights, safety, and wellbeing of Black women.

  5. Learn about the unique health needs of Black women and advocate for healthcare policies and services that meet those needs.

  6. Join or create organizations that advocate for the rights of Black women.

  7. Challenge racist and sexist stereotypes and language whenever you encounter them.

  8. Speak up when you see Black women being targeted or discriminated against.

  9. Support and celebrate the successes of Black women.

  10. Listen to and learn from the stories of Black women.

  11. Support organizations that are dedicated to protecting and advocating for the rights of black women.

  12. Raise awareness about issues that disproportionately affect black women, such as racial profiling and unequal pay.

  13. Amplify the voices of black women by listening to and amplifying their stories and experiences.

  14. Educate yourself and others about the injustices black women face, so that you can become a better ally and advocate.

  15. Create safe spaces for black women to speak their truth without fear of judgement or retribution.


…And Joy Cometh In the Morning!


Spring has Sprung.