Moving from Disappointment

Moving on from disappointment can seem like a heavy task or even emotionally impossible at times. But not only is it possible to move beyond disappointment, but it’s possible without feeling like a disappointment. Let’s talk about what this would look like:

Sit with it. Whatever the situation, allow yourself to feel whatever it is you feel. Take deep cleansing breaths. Here is where the tears may flow...or not. But if so, let them flow. They’re here to comfort you. 

Next, ask yourself, “Is there anything you can take from this experience as you further your journey?” Really unpack this. Most people say that we should manage our expectations but what if it’s not our expectations but other factors that should be managed? Like timing, maybe the timing was a little off. Maybe the persons involved weren’t right for this particular situation.  Maybe the outcome we desired is in need of other factors we weren't aware of. 

Now it’s time to celebrate the discovery of elements that you’re leaving behind. Yes, celebrate! You’ve identified factors that you need not repeat or things that aren’t conducive to your goals. 

After you’ve assessed the different aspects of your situation, celebrated discovery and come to terms with the undesired outcome, it’s time to let go and leave behind this part of your journey. Taking with you only the insight and measures that can be used further down the road. 

And finally, hug yourself. Take time out to love you in every stage of your journey. Remember it’s radical self-love that is the essential fuel on this road to fulfillment. 


Discovering Self-Love